Title: Charlotte SCOTT
Subtitle: Charlotte Scott Lab

Charlotte Scott lab

Research field: Mononuclear phagocytes in health and disease

Group leader: Prof. Dr. Charlotte L Scott

Tel:+32 9 33 13742 - Fax: +32 9 221 76 73
Email: Charlotte.Scott.spam.detractor@irc.vib-ugentspam.corruptor.be

Research topic

Our lab is focussed on unravelling heterogeneity within the mononuclear phagocyte compartment in health and disease in terms of both phenotype and function in mice and men. To do this, we use state of the art techniques including single cell RNA sequencing and 28-parameter flow cytometry alongside MNP-subset specific in vivo mouse models including the Clec4F-Cre to target Kupffer cells in the liver, the Xcr1-Cre to target cDC1s and the Fcgr1-Cre to target all macrophages. The team is especially interested in understanding this heterogeneity in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD is currently one of the most significant clinical burdens in the western world and is thought to be the main reason for liver transplantation by 2030. Despite this there are no effective treatments currently available. As MNPs have been proposed to play a role in NAFLD progression we hypothesise that correctly identifying and distinguishing between these cell subsets and subsequently examining their specific functions will lead to a better understanding of this disease and may lead to new avenues for therapy.

Area of expertise

  • Correct identification of MNP subsets across tissues and species
  • In vivo models of liver disease
  • 28 parameter flow cytometry
  • Single cell technologies

Technology transfer potential

  • Study of the role of MNP subsets in health and disease
  • Novel mouse models for studying MNP subsets in vivo

Selected publications

  1. Scott CL*#, T’Jonck W*, Martens L, Todorov H, Sichien D, Soen B, Bonnardel J, De Prijck S Vandamme N, Cannoodt R, Saelens W, Vanneste B, Toussaint W, De Bleser P, Takahashi N, Vandanabeele P, Henri S, Pridans C, Hume D, Lambrecht B, De Baetselier P, Milling SWF, Van Ginderachter J, Malissen B, Berx G, Beschin A, Saeys Y and Guilliams M. ZEB2 is required to maintain the tissue-specific identities of macrophages.  
    Immunity. 49 (2): 312-325. 2018.
  2. Guilliams M# and Scott CL#. Does niche competition determine the origin of tissue-resident macrophages?
    Nature Reviews Immunology. 17(7):451-460. 2017.
  3. Scott CL, Zheng F, De Baetselier P, Martens L, Saeys Y, De Prijck S, Lippens S, Abels C, Schoonooghe S, Raes G, Devoogdt N, Lambrecht BN, Beschin A and Guilliams M. Bone marrow derived monocytes give rise to self-renewing and fully differentiated Kupffer cells.
    Nature Communications.7:10321. 2016.
  4. Scott CL*, Soen B*, Martens L, Skrypek N, Saelens W, Taminau J, Blancke G, Van Isterdael G, Huylebroeck D, Haigh J, Saeys Y, Guilliams M, Lambrecht BN, Berx G. The transcription factor Zeb2 regulates development of conventional and plasmacytoid DCs by repressing Id2.
    JEM. 213(6):897-911. 2016.
  5. Guilliams M*, Dutertre CA*, Scott CL*, McGovern N*, Sichien D*, Chakarov S, Van Gassen S, Chen J, Poidinger M, De Prijck S, Low I, Irac SE, Nurfarah Mattar C, Rizal Sumatoh H, Hui Ling Low G, Kit Chung TJ, Kok Hong Chan D, Kan Tan K, Lim Kiat Hon T, Fossum E, Bogen B, Choolani M, Kok Yen Chan J, Larbi A, Luche H, Henri S, Saeys Y, Newell EW, Lambrecht BN, Malissen B and Ginhoux F. Aligning dendritic cells across tissues and species through unsupervised high-dimensional analysis.
    Immunity. 45(3):669-684. 2016.
  6. Remmerie A and Scott CL. Macrophages in Lipid Metabolism.
    Cellular Immunology. 330:27-42. 2018.
  7. Scott CL and Guilliams M. The Role of Kupffer cells in Iron and Lipid Metabolism.
    Journal of Hepatology. 2018.

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