Title: UGent Vakgroep WE14

Biomedische Moleculaire Biologie - Department of Biomedical Molecular Biology (UGent Vakgroep WE14)

This page features information from the University Department of Biomedical Molecular Biology,one of the Departments of the Faculty of Sciences of Ghent University.
Most but not all of the members of this Department of Ghent University are also affiliated with the VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research, and vice versa.

Research groups belonging to WE14:

Vakgroepvoorzitter (Chairman): Prof. Dr. Wim Declercq

Tel: +32 9 33 13 820
E-mail: wim.declercq.spam.detractor@ugentspam.corruptor.be

Vakgroepsecretariaat: Mw. Myriam Scherpereel

Tel: +32 9 33 13 600
E-mail: Myriam.Scherpereel.spam.detractor@UGentspam.corruptor.be

Verslagen van de Vakgroepraad

(Reports of the Department Council, in Dutch only).

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